10 Tips for IELTS Preparation (David Larbalestier):
- Become familiar with -> international English, a variety of English accents
- It takes more than 400 hours of study and learning to progress 1 IELTS Band or 200 hours for 0.5 of a Band. You cannot short cut language learning. Study does not equal learning.
- Don’t waste time to memorize particular versions of Listening, Reading, Writing, Structure. Spend your time doing practice tests and learning language in preparation for all versions. Learn language, not answer
- Read the questions, read carefully and think. Each question stands alone and can be answered on its own. If you miss a question-move on! Remember -> 13/30, 14/40, 15/50, etc
- Practice all question types. Do as many practice tests as possible. Listen to songs, movies, radio.
- Read the questions, read carefully and think! Practice all question types. Develop your reading efficiency-skimming, scanning and ……… (I miss a word, anyone can help me??).
- Practice writing essays on a range of topics according to length requirements in the time frame. Count the line on the page. Count the words you write per line. Work out how many lines you need to write to meet the length requirement.
- Expand your vocabulary for a range of IELTS topic. Learn useful words and their word forms. Always remember to get the spelling right! Test: What’s the verb form of destruction? Spell this word.
- Understand IELTS criteria and what the examiner is looking for. Learn to check your own word.
L : Is my answer logical and coherent?
R : Do I have a range of sentences and structures?
S : Do I have spelling mistakes?
10. Understand IELTS criteria and what the examiner is looking for.
- Improve fluency by speaking with anyone
- Improve accuracy with a teacher or native speaker